
Our blog - Page 3

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.

Show, Don’t Tell: How Storytelling can make you stand out in the digital age

What do Red Bull, Pixar, Airbnb, Dove, Apple & Nike have in common? These companies have mastered corporate storytelling! Storytelling? Is this the latest marketing buzzword? Well, storytelling is not exactly a new thing as it’s been around since we first started to roam around planet Earth and share stories as a means of entertainment, […]

5 Instagram tools that will make your life easier

With over 800 million users, Instagram is undoubtedly the right platform to promote your business. The platform helps you let your creativity run free but this does not always make things easy. Taking care of your business Instagram account is actually a lot of work. As a business using Instagram, you need all the help […]

Don’t fall into these hidden GDPR pitfalls

We know that you’ve got crazy already about the changes in the GDPR, which came into force on May 25 2018, so assuming that you’ve worked already in preparing your business to comply with the new data protection regulation, you might now notice that this is an ongoing process! Every business is different, and therefore […]

How to build a solid online presence to succeed

Here at INMEDIA, we strongly believe that companies nowadays will only survive if they have a strong online presence. More and more customers are buying, researching and booking online, which is why it is so important for companies to invest in their online presence. If you don’t appear when a potential customer searches for you […]


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