Each brand has to compete in its niche market. One of the most useful tools a business owner can use to not only stand out from its rivals but to thrive is the use of a solid marketing strategy made visible in a memorable logo design.
We have listed four reasons why a great logo design is important to the success of your brand.
1. Show who you are
Try visualizing the following logos: Apple, McDonald’s, Shell, Coca-Cola, Google and Facebook. How many did you know? Probably all, as these are a few of the most powerful brands in the world.
Your logo reveals your identity and ideally conveys your business vision. This visual element should clearly communicate your values and mission. Do you have a formal or informal way of working? Is your brand serious or fun? Youthful or mature? Trendy or classic? Economical or high-end? Is your goal to build a better future with your brand, or is it to entertain people?
The audience instantly recognises your brand identity with the right logo design, from font to colour and text or image. That explains why the best logos are usually simple & memorable. See for instance, this research where they’ve asked 1500 people to draw the most iconic brands from memory.
2. Attract new people
We all know first impressions count. This is true not only for people but for businesses too.
Having a strong logo will invite potential clients to get to know you. An interesting design will raise interest and make people curious to find out more about your brand.
3. Show your professionalism
Another advantage of logos is that they show the professional approach of your brand in conducting its business. Usually, people associate a high-quality logo with the quality of services provided by a particular company. A fair share of buyers strictly associates themselves with a trusted business, which leads us to reason no. 4.
4. Sets you apart
With a unique, professional logo, you distinguish yourself from the competition.
A really strong logo design facilitates brand loyalty or a loyal fan base, such as Nike or Apple.
It works two ways; however, a poor logo design can affect your brand negatively where people do not want to be associated with you and don’t feel connected, so they go to your rivals.
Creating a solid logo is key to your business’s marketing efforts.
If you don’t know where to start, please be inspired by our References or contact us today to see how we can help you.