They say SEO is dead, well, we don’t believe them. And social media – especially Facebook and Instagram – play a major role in how well or not, you do it. Here’s a short and easy guide to what you should be doing on Facebook, to help your SEO.
If you like to know what’s better for your business, Google or Facebook (Meta), read our blog post here.
If you don’t know exactly what SEO means, let us explain it in an easy way. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and is the process of optimising your presence online so that your company or your brand can be found easily by potential customers on search engines like Google.
There is a misconception that SEO is only something that one does for a website. Wrong. SEO depends on many factors, and good website stats are only a part of it. Social media is the other part. Facebook, with over 1.6 billion active monthly users, is very important. So, here’s how to optimise for SEO on the platform.
Create a Vanity URL
Once you set up your new Facebook page, you must create your unique username and URL. Bear in mind that on any new page, the URL is messy. You need to go into the page settings and choose a username that is as close as possible to what your page is about. Whether it’s a person or a brand, your username and vanity URL should reflect it.
Remember that you will not be able to transfer or change your username, so make sure to choose wisely. Of course, if your brand name changes, you can ask Facebook to change it for you. You may have to provide supporting evidence of this before Facebook’s team helps.
Use a Relevant Facebook Page Title
The name of your Page is also the title of your Page. It appears at the top of the page or browser tab and in search results as a meta title. Using “brandable or memorable” names for your Facebook page is best. The word will be the most important, so think carefully.
Complete your Page’s Information
Make sure to properly fill out the “About” section of your new Facebook Page. It’s extra information that will not only help your brand appear in search results but it will also help you connect with your audience. It’s important to emphasise who you are and remember that you are trying to convert visitors who read the information as much as trying to improve your overall exposure.
Seek to Engage your Audience
Page engagement doesn’t actually impact your position in organic search results, but it does matter. In fact, high engagement equals high exposure. And exposure leads to the increased discussion – which is then linked to increased website visits and awareness. If you’re engaging your audience, it means that you are talking to people about things they like and care about. Try to do this with more relevant content.
To wrap up, Facebook actually doesn’t offer direct benefits for ranking in search results. But you can use it to build traffic and links to your website and other online sites, which will then positively impact your rankings on search engines.